with the ultimate audio tool. Experience profound levels of focus, meditation, creativity and deep sleep with binaural beat technology. Brain cells resonate to the beat, driving brain activity in ideal states, such as Gamma for enhanced cognitive performance, Beta for focus, Alpha to reduce anxiety and increase creativity, Theta for meditation and memory and Delta for deep sleep and healing.

The Impact of Binaural Beats
Binaural Beats stimulate the remarkable mental state known as hemispheric synchronization, which supports whole-brain thinking. Studies suggest the effectiveness of binaural beats has a profound impact on synchronizing right and left sides of the brain. Most people tend to favor one hemisphere over the other or shift between left-brain (analytical) and right-brain (imaginative) dominance in cycles that last from thirty minutes to three hours. While one hemisphere is dominant, the attributes and skills of the other are less available.
When both hemispheres operate in harmony, you enjoy a profound synergy of logic and imagination. Your mind becomes sharper, more focused, and more lucid. You synthesize and solve problems with greater speed. And you may be delighted to discover that as you experience the impact of binaural beats you are more in touch with your emotions and intuition, and more receptive to creative insight.
What are the health benefits of binaural beats?
Binaural beats drive or guide brain activity into hard-to-reach states of mind like meditation, relaxation, high focus or deep sleep. Depending on the frequency range you’re listening to, the benefits of binaural beats have a profound impact and are wide reaching.
Which binaural beat programs should I listen to?
- For increased focus and concentration listen to gamma and beta binaural beats.
- For greater clarity of thought and deep meditation listen to theta binaural beats.
- To reduce anxiety and more peaceful states of mind listen to alpha binaural beats.
- For a deep healing and to fall asleep faster listen to delta binaural beats.
Gamma Binaural Beats
40 Hz is a very fast brain wave frequency that is linked to sparks of inspiration and insight. the 40 Hz gamma wave is also beneficial for focus, concentration and to enhance cognition. Studies suggest the 40 Hz frequency plays an important role in hand-eye coordination; making it ideal to prepare for a golf or tennis game.
Students, artists, or working professionals who need next-level cognitive thinking may find listening to gamma range frequency stimulating. These waves are shown to increase divergent thinking or the creation of many possible ideas. In addition to the abundant firing of ideas, this frequency processes thoughts in a logical way, allowing the organization ideas.
Beta Binaural Beats
(13 – 40 Hz) are predominantly present in normal wide-awake consciousness, while reading, writing, and working. Beta is linked to problem solving, alertness and increased ability to concentrate. Beta waves are an excellent choice to clear brain fog, for study, or whenever full concentration is required.
Some problems require a higher level of concentration. Listening to beta binaural beats improves cognition and focus. While the thinker might have thoughts that go into repetitive circles, listening to beta beats turn this circle into a flow. Those who listen to these auditory beats will have an evolution of ideas, perhaps leading to solutions to more complex problems.
Alpha Binaural Beats
(8 – 12 Hz) are widely used to reduce preoperative anxiety, increase creativity, and enhance well being. Alpha waves are the ideal frequency for deep relaxation and reducing anxiety levels overall.
While there are brain waves that invigorate, there are also those that stimulate relaxation. Stress and anxiety are common, but the methods of coping are not. You can listen to binaural beats in the alpha range to invoke a sense of calmness and peace. Try listening to these soothing beats before a competition or exam and watch it do its magic.
Theta Binaural Beats
(4 to 8 Hz) are most well known to induce deep meditation, allowing listeners to have an almost instantaneous experience of meditation. Theta binaural beats reduce anxiety and stress. Theta is linked to LTP Long-Term Potentiation ideal for improving memory.
In a heightened state of relaxation, there is less resistance. Listening to Theta Beats relaxes the mind, and creates a pleasurable body mind experience. This strong link between the release of endorphins and learning, allows the brain to become a sponge where learning becomes easier and more information can be absorbed into long-term memory.
Delta Binaural Beats
Binaural beats in the delta range of 1 to 4 Hz are associated with the deepest levels of sleep where growth hormone is released. Delta wave programs help you fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply. A secondary benefit is healing and regeneration.
Resting the brain through adequate sleep is an effect sought for when listening to Delta binaural beats. It is said that deep sleep allows the brain to store new information into memory. This end-stage of sleep also heightens brain activity while producing vivid dreams. As a result of this activity, listeners become calmer when they wake up.
A binaural beat is an auditory illusion that occurs in the brain when two slightly different sine waves, or frequencies are delivered to either ear through headphones.
A sine wave is a continuous sound wave with a constant frequency and amplitude. Sine waves are pure tones. For example, a sine wave of 100 Hz played in the left ear plus another slightly different frequency of 107 Hz in the right ear will produce an auditory illusion of a specific frequency beat oscillating at 7 cycles per second, exactly the difference of the two tones. (Hz is the abbreviation for hertz — not the rental car company but the standard unit for measuring cycles per second.)
While listening to binaural beats the two hemispheres of the brain function together to “hear” not the external sound signals but instead a third “phantom” beat, which is the mathematical difference between the two tones. The beat is not coming through the headphones but is heard and "felt" within the brain. It sounds like a soft, gentle drumbeat.
Research results show that parts of the brain, and eventually large areas of the brain, resonate sympathetically to this auditory illusion, like a crystal goblet vibrates in response to a pure musical tone. Binaural beats provide a highly effective method for entraining brain waves and rapidly altering the electrical activity in the brain boosting listeners into highly specific states of consciousness.
Binaural beat therapy is commonly used in biofeedback to aid subjects in slowing down their brain wave activity. They also are commonly used to reduce preoperative anxiety, to relieve insomnia and to experience deep meditation. The effectiveness of binaural beats is wide reaching and ideal for enhancing all cognitive processes.
Original research on auditory beats was discovered in 1839, by German physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. Up until 1973, binaural beats were just a curious anomaly until Gerald Oster, M.D., published his landmark article entitled “Auditory Beats in the Brain,” published in The Scientific American magazine. Working at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, Dr. Oster found that binaural beats evoked change in the electrical activity of the listener’s brain. This tendency for brain waves to resonate sympathetically is known as the frequency following response.
In the same way you might tap your foot to the rhythm of a song, brain activity naturally falls into rhythm with binaural beats. This frequency following response means that binaural beats can be orchestrated to influence our brain waves, thus altering our states of consciousness.
Different brain wave types are associated with different mental states, such as alpha for relaxation, beta for concentration, theta for meditation, and delta for sleep. Binaural tones have a completely different effect than isochronic tones.
There's been a lot of curiosity and hype around "isochronic tones." But generally you can think of isochronic tones as "the ugly cousin" to binaural beats.
While research into isochronic tones is vague, there are ample studies showing the effectiveness of binaural beats and specifically using binaural beat frequencies for brain wave entrainment. In countless clinical studies binaural beats have proven to drive brain activity into desirable brain states.
In studies conducted at UCLA, Harvard Body Mind Medical School and by many independent biofeedback researchers, Brain Sync tracks have shown many powerful brain enhancing benefits. Binaural beats are one of the most effective brainwave entrainment tools to reduce pre-operative anxiety, enhance healing,
Today, millions listen to Brain Sync tracks to improve cognitive performance, encourage deep sleep, reduce preoperative anxiety, relieve chronic pain, relieve all kinds of stress and anxiety, and to improve memory
30 Minutes is all that is needed to evoke the frequency following response. The degree to which your brainwaves fall into rhythm and how quickly they react depends on what frame of mind you’re in when you begin. Most people feel the effects within 5 to 10 minutes of listening.
Like a crystal goblet resonates in response to a pure musical tone, brain cells resonate in response to the binaural beat. Within minutes right and left hemispheres move into balance. You increase overall brain power and beneficial effects on cognitive performance as both sides work in harmony.
We recommend 30 to 60 minutes per day. Delta wave programs can be put on auto-replay while you sleep for a deeper level of rest that supports physical healing.
What are the best headphones for binaural beats?
Monaural vs. Binaural
Binaural headsets have two earpieces, in other words they are regular stereo headphones, ideal for listening to music and binaural beat programs
Monaural headsets have a single earpiece for the left ear or right ear, so they will not deliver the binaural carrier frequency and thus have little or no binaural beat stimulation.
Gamma binaural beats are helpful for improving both cognition and mood. Alpha waves are also excellent for creating mild euphoria.
Gamma Binaural Beats are excellent for focus and concentration, while theta waves are associated with storing and retrieving information from long-term memory.
Theta is a hypnogogic trance like state that we normally experience briefly as we fall to sleep or upon waking. Vivid imagery, sudden insights and ideas are the hallmark of the theta state.
Binaural beat frequencies are excellent for optimizing your overall cognitive performance and achieving specific hard-to-reach levels of consciousness, like Gamma for focus and concentration, Alpha for relaxation and creativity, Delta to fall sleep faster and to accelerate healing and Theta for profound meditation and deep creative insight.
Binaural sounds are two different frequency sounds, one in each ear. The goal of binaural sounds is the creation of an auditory illusion or binaural beat perception brought about by the slightly different frequencies. Like an optical illusion, that can be perceived by the brain; the images are not there in reality. With binaural beats, the pulsating sound wave is not actually there, but the brain is able to perceive the difference between the two frequencies.
When you hear a sound, the inferior colliculus recognizes this frequency. Following this auditory pathway, the sound is processed in the auditory cortex. Changes in frequency may all be captured through an electroencephalogram or EEG changes.
A higher frequency, on the one hand, is said to stimulate deep concentration and focus. On the other hand, those with a lower frequency promote relaxation. Like sleep medicine, it lets you fall asleep more quickly.
Binaural and monaural beats have been used as an adjunct treatment for different kinds of illnesses. For example, the brainwave pattern scan of persons with Attention Deficit Disorder when trying to focus is shown to naturally increase Delta waves instead of Gamma or Beta ones. This restricts their ability to concentrate and focus. This same principle applies to persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia. As an alternative medicine, beat therapy centered on promoting Gamma waves is said to improve memory and reduce confusion.
Previous studies with small sample sizes show that there are significant effects of binaural beats on persons with mild anxiety. One small Montreal study has suggested that binaural beats exposure for four weeks has reduced anxiety.
These evoked potentials are often sought for stressful situations such as preoperative anxiety. Some persons diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder may find listening to these relaxing beats while in a manic state can help them relax and focus.
Also, low hertz frequencies such as Theta and Delta waves are found in deep meditation and sleep. Examining the effects of listening to these frequencies through monoaural or binaural beats is said to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and lengthen sleep duration.
Hertz is a measurement for frequency. Lower frequencies are associated with white noise or rumbling sounds of thunder, while an example of a higher frequency sound is the chirping of a bird. There is also a combination of low and high frequencies called pink noise.
Instead of a combination, two frequencies are delivered separately through stereo speakers or earphones in Hz binaural beat. This is different from phase synchronization, which requires two waveforms of the same frequency. Instead of the same frequency, your brain detects only a single tone instead of two in binaural beats. Aside from promising health benefits of binaural beats, binaural beat acoustics have been used to help tune musical instruments such as pianos.
Focus depends on the environment and the ability to concentrate. Some people can concentrate even if there are many distractions. For some, the ability to focus comes naturally. This ability comes from the biological makeup of the brain. It is found that an increased presence of higher frequency waves is associated with greater focus and concentration. Some sounds, such as those found in Gamma and Beta waves, stimulate the brain to focus, leading to improved memory.
Delta Binaural beats work by gently guiding your brainwaves to slow down from the rapid rhythms of beta down into alpha and then theta. As you become more relaxed, your mind goes into the Delta state, inducing deep sleep. After several hours of sleeping, you now go into rapid eye movement (REM). In this sleep stage, your brain becomes a hub of healing and sorting. Important memories become intensified, while those that are not important are eventually forgotten.
Gamma waves are believed by neuroscientists to bind and process information from all parts of the brain. As the waves with the most rapid firing of neurons, these Gamma waves are most commonly found in people with good hand-eye coordination and sensory perception. Musicians and athletes have peak concentrations of Gamma waves. Also, deep meditators such as monks have high concentrations of Gamma waves.
An increased number of Gamma frequencies produced by the brain is said to promote high levels of cognitive processes. Upon listening to these binaural beats, signals sent by neurons become faster. As a result, you think more clearly and make better decisions. Some persons who want to improve hand-eye coordination regularly listen to Gamma binaural beats. An excellent choice to listen to before any kind of racket sport or golf to get that winning edge.
The frequency range that is most helpful for the brain is on the 4-hertz to 8-hertz range. Otherwise known as Theta waves, this frequency is said to improve cognition and mood. It is said that listening to Theta binaural beats can help heal painful emotions. On the plus side, not only does this frequency range help you heal, but it also makes you become uniquely creative and more intuitive. But through relaxation and meditation or listening to Theta binaural beats, your mind can promote the formation of these brain waves.
Nowadays, the world has taken a fast turn, and our brains have evolved to function on Beta wave frequencies. Beta waves are helpful too, as these binaural beats enable us to do tasks with better concentration.
It would help if you listened to binaural beats for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes per day. After finding a comfortable and quiet place with no distractions, listen to these beats before doing an activity. If you’re aiming for relaxation, go for the lower frequency, such as alpha or theta binaural beats.
For those wanting to increase focus and concentration, perhaps before an exam, listening to beta or gamma binaural beats may work for you as they are at the other end of the frequency spectrum.