Beta Binaural Beats
Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ You are wide-awake, alert. Your mind is sharp, focused. It makes connections quickly, easily, and you're primed to do work that requires your full attention. In the Beta state, neurons fire abundantly, in rapid succession, helping you achieve peak performance. Read more.
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New ideas and solutions to problems flash like lightning into your mind.
Beta is the best modality for activities where directed attention and high levels of concentration are needed. Biofeedback therapists often treat Attention Deficit Disorder with beta training.Even if you don’t have ADD, Beta waves create mental alertness. They are beneficial for any activities that require focus and concentration Some researchers refer to brain waves at the level of 40Hz as “Gamma.” (Others do not distinguish gamma waves as a distinct class but include them in beta brain waves.) Nobel Laureate, Sir Francis Crick and other scientists believe that the 40Hz frequency plays a special role in advanced cognition and high-level information processing. To learn see the article in Scientific American about brainwaves.
Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ You are wide-awake, alert. Your mind is sharp, focused. It makes connections quickly, easily, and you're primed to do work that requires your full attention. In the Beta state, neurons fire abundantly, in rapid succession, helping you achieve peak performance. New ideas and solutions to problems flash like lightning into your mind.
Attention Deficit Disorder
Beta training is beneficial for the treatment of ADD.
Increase Cognition
Beta brainwaves help you prepare for an exam, give a presentation, analyze and organize information and other activities where mental alertness and high levels of concentration are key to your success.
It is the high beta frequency used on many Brain Sync audio programs which falls into the Gamma Wave range. See Gamma Waves for more details on this powerful brainwave frequency.